Dear Senator Asuquo Ekpenyong,

Your youthfulness, Sir!Thank you so very much for all the impactful projects you have implemented in your senatoral district within a very short period of time.
My name is Aaron Egot, a native of New Ekuri Village in Akamkpa Local Government Area in Cross River State. I am the Executive Director of Emerging Genderplus Outreach Team (EGOT), a nonprofit organization working around the prevention of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) in forest communities in Cross River State.

Sir, may I update you that in a bid to acquire the needed educated manpower and to provide a solution to the long trek to access secondary education in Iyamoyong and Ochon, where the nearest secondary schools were located, the New Ekuri community in 2015 decided to construct a temporary building to begin a community secondary school. Our organization through the funding of the USA Embassy, Nigeria provided school desk and a few other items to the school to ensure that teaching and learning takes place in a conducive environment.

However some years down the line, the temporary building no longer has the face of a school, leading to poor enrollment and retention for the children.

This situation has worsen the rate of Child, Early and Forced Marriage (CEFM) and child abuses in the community.

As a nonpartisan organization, EGOT is requesting on behalf of the community for a construction of a six classroom block to strengthen the existing school. The community has frequently mentioned to our Executive Director that this request is their heartfelt need at this time.

Senator Sir, the community will be grateful if you see into their plight and proffer a lasting solution to the educational situation of this forest community.

Please feel free to contact the undersigned if you feel that a meeting with the Chiefs and community leaders is necessary as requested, before any intervention is carried out.

Yours sincerely,

Aaron Egot, GB-I
Executive Director
Emerging Genderplus Outreach Team (EGOT)
Tel: 08066254074